Friday, September 10, 2010

Does generic always mean low price?

Does generic always mean low prices?

If you have a prescription for a generic drug, it’s probably not a good idea to automatically assume a low price, because the range of prices for even generic drugs can be astounding. I recommend calling various pharmacies to check current prices. 

Be sure to include wholesale clubs such as Costco or Sams Club.  Discount prescription cards can be used, also, by individuals who have insurance.  

A lot of medical insurance policies do not have a drug benefit, or in some cases the policy will exclude covering certain medications.  This is where a discount prescription card may come in handy.  One card will cover your whole family.

Special Note Article Reprinted:

Save a Bundle Using a Free Medicine Drug Card 

As the prices of prescription drugs continue to rise, it becomes more difficult for people to support their medication needs.  

While some people only need prescription drugs once in a while, others have to purchase them on a regular basis.  Certain drugs are very costly, and they can take up a significant percentage of a person’s income.  

A discount prescriptions card can prevent the situation of not having access to some help.  Discount prescription cards can be use by the insured, uninsured, as well as the uninsurable.  

You can have a medical insurance policy that does not provide a drug benefit and still save on your prescription drug cost.  If you have a long-term health problem and you need to take medications regularly, it is recommended that you get the free discount prescriptions card.  

The free discount prescriptions card is a card that enables you to save a substantial amount of money on prescription drugs.  The company that issues the card has established an agreement with most of the leading pharmacy chains in the United States, and the card is presently accepted by more than 64,000 pharmacies throughout the country.  

Everyone qualifies.  Even individuals who have major medical coverage may experience a situation where a particular prescription drug may be excluded from their coverage.  For them too, a prescriptions discount card could prove beneficial in reducing their out-of-pocket cost significantly.

Mail Order Pharmacy Savings 

Some of the well-known pharmacy chains that have participated in the “free discount prescriptions” discount program include Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Albertsons, Kroger, Eckerd, CVS, Winn-Dixie, Costco, Rite Aid, Safeway, and K-Mart.  

If you use the free discount prescriptions card to purchase prescription drugs in any participating pharmacy, you will receive a discount of up to 90% on both brand-name and generic drugs.  Your cost could also vary from pharmacy to pharmacy due to the fees that's charged by most pharmacies to fill your prescriptions.  

The process for using this free discount prescriptions card is very easy.  All you have to do is print and clip out the discount prescription drug card to present to the pharmacy and they will do the rest.  They will enter it into the computer for you to receive your discount if any is applicable.  You may receive up to a 90% discount by using this card.

As you can see, you can avail of very good discounts if you purchase prescription drugs with the free discount prescriptions card. If you need prescription drugs on a regular basis, you may save as much as hundreds or even thousands of dollars every year. 

As a cardholder, you can also find out if there are cheaper generic equivalents to your prescription drugs, and you can save a bundle if the generic drugs are approved by your doctor.

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Why Use A Prescription Discount Card?

You can receive an immediate discount by printing out a free discount prescription card today.  Even if your current insurance plan covers prescriptions, not all of your meds may be covered, or you may not save very much.  

Unlike many other discount cards this card is free for everyone.  As the prices of prescription drugs continue to rise, it becomes more difficult for people to support their medication needs.  

While some people only need prescription drugs once in a while, others have to purchase them on a regular basis.  Certain drugs are very costly, and they can take up a significant percentage of a person's income.  

If you have a long-term health problem and you need to take medications regularly, it is recommended that you get the free discount prescription savings card.  


You Don't Get A $4.00 Price Tag For All Prescription Medications.  Print Out A Discount Drug Card Today.

Discount prescription cards can be used also by individuals who have insurance.  A lot of medical insurance policies do not have a drug benefit, or in some cases the policy will exclude covering certain medications.  

This is where having a discount prescription card may come in handy.  One card will cover your whole family.  The free discount prescription card is a card that enables you to save a substantial amount of money on prescription drugs. 

The company that issues the card has established an agreement with most of the leading pharmacy chains in the United States, and the card is presently accepted by more than 56,000 pharmacies throughout the country.  

Save At Your Local Pharmacy
The process of applying for a free discount prescription card is very easy.  All you have to do is take a few seconds to enter your information at the free discount prescriptions website. 

You do not have to meet any membership requirements to get approval, and you will receive your free discount prescription card instantly. 

What Does Rx Mean?
Rx is a prescription medication, excluding non-prescription over-the-counter meds.  Once I print out my card,what is my next step?  

Once your discount prescription card is created, basically all you need to do is to take it with you to the pharmacy.  

Give your discount card to them along with your prescription.  Your card has all of the information your pharmacist needs to process your prescription.  

Once your information has been entered, it is now stored in the pharmacist computer system, and you probably will not need to present your card again.   

Special Note:

Each time you return to the pharmacy to fill another prescription the discount when applicable should be applied.  If ever in doubt, just ask to make sure.  

If you change pharmacies you probably will have to present your card again so that it can be entered into their computer system.  If you lose your card, just print out a new one.

The card is free to absolutely everyone.  Please share it with others who can really benefit from the program.  Tell-A-Friend on this blog gives you the options to share easily with interested friends and family.  

Also remember that not everyone is computer savvy.  Just print out a discount card and give it to them, regardless of existing health conditions, or current insurance plans.

A PAP Is Different From A Discount Prescription Drug Card
You probably have heard advertisements from drug companies on TV that will help you with your medications. Unlike a discount prescriptions card you do have to qualify for these programs.  

Patient Assistance Programs are usually sponsored by pharmaceutical companies and provide discounted or free medicines to low/moderate income, and also the uninsured, underinsured, and uninsurable who meet the guidelines for that particular program.  

Eligibility and application requirements vary from program to program.  There are hundreds of programs available to qualified applicants.  If you are on more than one prescription medication you may be on more than one PAP program to address all of your prescription medication needs.

Your medications may be provided by more than one manufacturer and you will have to meet different criteria for each.  This can be overwhelming for some and they give up.  

Some get a discount savings card to assist them with the cost of their medications until their applications are approved.  You can even be self employed and qualify in some cases. 

We have a lot of truckers that qualify for a lot of the programs, especially with their high fuel cost.  If you feel you might qualify, it might be in your best interest to apply.  

Prepare For Doctor Visits
How many out there in cyberspace know that it’s a new day when you visit your doctor in today’s world?  Doctors just don’t have the time for a lot of idol chit chat, and blank stares.  

Doctors in today’s world are in a lot of cases under time pressures to see so many patients per day.  In my opinion it helps to adopt the mindset that a doctor’s office first and foremost is a business.  

They have to see so many patients to make a profit, and meet their expenditures to keep their doors open. With this concept in mind you are at a doctor’s office to purchase a service like you would from any other service provider.  

On top of your limited time to see the doctor you might have had a long wait to get this opportunity to come in.  It is my opinion that not only is it a good idea but a necessity to prepare.  

Something simple like a note you write to yourself to remind you of the things you want to bring to his or her attention during your appointment will probably suffice.  

If you don’t write yourself a written note as a reminder you might forget to tell your physician of a pertinent detail that could result in you having to come in and pay for another visit. 

When you go in to visit your physician you often have a lot of things on your mind, and not feeling well, it’s not difficult to forget.  Taking in a brief note as a reminder makes sense to me.  

It’s been my experience that whether you have insurance or not a frugal note saves.  If you take into consideration the price of an office visit these days it saves to come prepared.