Friday, September 10, 2010

Shopping For Health Insurance

Shopping For Health Insurance Tips
The image below is about health insurance plans. Let me say that sometimes you can save substantial amount of money obtaining a drug benefit plan outside your policy. And I will also say that a lot of individuals use a discount plan with major medical. 

Please note that as far as I know having a discount drug plan does not constitute having prescription drug coverage. Click below to begin your search.

3 Easy Steps to Health Insurance
Compare free quotes for health insurance online!Even if you have Cobra being mindful of any preexisting conditions you might want to check out and compare rates using eHealth Insurance.  When you are ready, this is a great site where consumers can view quotes, and compare plans side-by-side.  Also keep in mind that a lot of policies today do not include a drug benefit. A good thing you might want to keep in mind is to weigh the options of obtaining a drug plan outside your policy. Sometimes this can make a difference, and sometimes not.

Split The Pills

A good money savings tip that my pharmacy friend shared with me many years ago was to have my doctor prescribe a double strength dose of my pills, and cut them in half.  How great is that?  

That's one co-pay for twice the medicine.  Of course you will have to OK this with your physician to see if this is an option for you.  Another thing is that samples are sometimes given out by your physician if you just ask.  

Some pills are scored in half and make it easier to use a pill splitter.  A lot of pharmacies will stock pill splitters.  You can save a bundle of money when your medication is available in a double dose.  

Several pharmaceutical manufacturers price some of their medications the same for all strengths.  For example Lipitor is essentially the same price for all strengths.  

Some save as much as $100.00 on a one month supply just by getting the larger strength and cutting it in half.  Consult your physician.

Patient Advocate News Post
When Insures say no you can fight back

I read somewhere that when an insurance company deny your health claim you might consider going to small claims court. If you have done your part in paying the insurance premiums, I’m thinking that you have every right to expect your insurance carrier to honor your claim as stipulated in the policy. 

This person I was reading about said that their calls and letters were ignored, and a lot of us have been there. So they decided to start an action in small claims court and got results within a short period of time.
Make the easy fixes
• Missing information? Fill it in
• Coding errors? Get these addressed by your physician

Keep Your Nails In Mind  At The Gym

A nail fungus can manifest discoloration and thickening of the nail. A lot of people don’t realize that a nail fungus can spread from nail to nail. It is not a good idea to walk around bare foot in the locker room or gym. 

Keep your shoes, including your workout shoes, in a dry place. Some people own multiple snickers so they can rotate them to ensure having access to a dry pair.  

Always wash your hands after touching an infected nail. Be careful where you get your pedicures. A friend of mine went to the doctor and was being treated for a nail fungus.  

She said the nail tech wanted to give her a pedicure even after telling her she had a nail fungus.  You have to be careful.  A lot of these places do not exercise proper hygienic practices.  

You can now purchase your own personal implements to take with you to the nail salon.  I like to see a doctor to address a suspected fungus to be sure it is in fact a fungus.  

Zetaclear Works Great.  2 Bottles Free Limited Time Offer.
Zetaclear is a great anti-fungal product that my friend Karen used a few months back. She went to her doctor and was given a sample of some expensive prescription anti-fungal cream.  

To her amazement it did not work.  This is another reason outside of saving money to get samples.  It could avoid you from paying for a medication that doesn't  work.  

Special Note:
If the sample works, then ask for a prescription whenever this can be done.  Talk it over with your doctor.  

She then begin to try a few over the counter products, again with no real success.  I had a nail fungus some time back and remembered that a friend recommended to me a product called Zetaclear.  I loved it.  

She too decided to try it and her fungus had completely cleared up in only 7 days. She was happy to get her nails back to normal. To order click on image above.

Can You Diminish The Look Of Scars?

Sometimes you can.  Let's face scars happen.  I don't think it's possible to get through life without a scar.  Scars can be such a nuisance that we forget what a miracle a scar is.  It's nature's way of healing.  

Think for a moment what life would be like without this healing ability.  With that being said scars can still be problematic.  Years ago a friend of mine as a child obtained a scar on her face trying to climb a fence.  It was the first thing you noticed when looking at her face.  

She never did anything to minimize the scar until 4 months ago when she tried this cream.  The results are nothing short of spectacular.  You can still see the scar but you have to look very close now.  Who knows after a few more months this old scar may completely disappear.

Save On Dental Meds Too Using Your Prescription Savings Card. 

Having Dental Insurance Can Save You Money!  Wide Choice of Plans and Participating Dentists Nationwide.  For more information click below.  
Get 3 Addtional Months Free When You Join!Save on cleanings, checkups, fillings, braces & more.  Quick plan activation & no paperwork hassles. There is so much confusion today with so many different types of offerings available outside of having insurance that you really, as a savvy consumer, have to pay close attention to what you are purchasing.  The above image is offerings of various dental insurance plans.  

It is my understanding that these plans are insurance plans for the most part, versus a discount plan.  If it uses the word insurance then it is an insurance policy versus a discount  plan in most cases. 

At Home Teeth Whitening

It's important to take good care of our teeth.  Even some medications and smoking can discolor the teeth.  Age too, plays a factor.  Chewing our food properly plays a huge role in how we are able to digest and assimilate nutrients.  

I take time to  care for my teeth.  I have used  baking soda for years.  However, there are products on the market that may work faster for you in obtaining that beautiful smile.  One of the first things done in a makeover is whitening the teeth.  

White teeth does make a difference in how we look.  If you don't believe me just start looking around at how white teeth enhances how people look.  Friends of mine have tried and love the product below.

Save A Bundle On Pet Meds Too

1-800-PetMeds Fetch/468x60.gif 

Taking care of a pet, like taking care of ourselves and the rest of our family is a huge responsibility.  We hear on the news, and read in various publications about the advancements that are taking place in medical science.  

However, most of us know that the cost of medicine has also increased dramatically.  So it makes good sense to a lot of folks to have a buffer against the rising cost of pet medications too.  Help is available.  Why pay more than you have to?  

Medications for people and pets are skyrocketing.  Check out Pet Meds to see if you might be able to save money on your pet's medications.  If interested click on Pet Meds image.

Pet Vitamins

To save money on Vet bills it could help to give your pet a good vitamin for a little insurance.  In today's world many people find it necessary to take a vitamin supplement.  

It's difficult to get all your nutrients from the foods we eat.  What about our pets?  They too need daily nutrients to help stay healthy.  Pet Bounce is a very popular supplement that a lot of people love.

The same is true for people too.  We need good nutrition to help us stay healthy.  I like the supplement above.  Your vitamins regimen should reflect your specific supplemental needs to provide optimum support.  And of course a quality supplement makes a world of difference.

Good Pet Insurance Is A Great Dollar Stretcher

Are You Paying Your Vet Out of Pocket?  Has pet insurance become a part of pet ownership?

A pet  not only needs love, but care and sometimes that includes medical care.  I have heard over the years countless stories about how pet medical bills can put a major hardship on household finances of the unprepared.  

You never know when a pet illness can occur.  A friend of mine says that she always make it a habit to request a written cost estimate for veterinarian services before they are provided to eliminate surprises.  

Medical cost, no matter who is the recipient, is not cheap.  The cost of major surgery for your pet can be quite expensive.  Pet insurance is an idea who's time has come. 

Our pets can't speak for themselves, but you can tell when your family friend is hurting.  

Perhaps they're having a bit of a difficult time getting up after resting, or more reluctant to jump up into your lap or go outside for a walk.  

Once boisterous and full of energy, your pet may  now seem to slow down, have some difficulty walking, tire easily or seem less exuberant or even restless-and seeing them in pain makes you feel helpless, doesn't it?